Thursday, September 17, 2009

Lesson #36 - The Importance of Truth in Living a Virtuous Life

I apologize once again! For those that have emailed me and inquired about lesson #36 handout.... sorry this is late! I should be able to post earlier in the week from here on out. I've been buried under some things that required all of my time the last week but I am happy to say I am done with it and can focus on other things again!

Anyhoooo.... the handout idea for this lesson is actually located in the YW's Manual but I recreated it to make it a little more "interactive" I guess. To save you some time I created a pattern you can literally copy and paste into Word, resize how you'd like then print it right onto some colored paper like I did. I also made a copy of the arrow in case you don't own an arrow punch. I know I have mentioned this before but I love several layers of paper. If I had more than 3-4 girls in my class every week then I might not go to the trouble but I just love the look of it. This is pretty simplistic. The arrow turns back and forth as it's attached with a brad. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to email me.

Also.... speaking of email. In case you haven't noticed, I added a "subscription" option up there in the right hand side of my blog. If you'd like to automatically receive an email notification each time I update with a new handout idea then just fill in the info. Easy Peasy!

Enjoy the rest of your week!

♥ Toodles! ♥


  1. Very cute, where do you get your cute 8 1/2 x 11 printed papers? All I can find here where I live are 12x12!

  2. Thanks! I have to teach this one and I love the handout. Very cute idea!

  3. I am so impressed with all of your handouts! Thanks for all the time and effort you put inot them so that we can use them too! I LOVE them! Thanks again!

  4. You are just amazing!! I found just what i was looking for!! thanks for all your effort and helping all us women out:)


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